Monday, 13 April 2015

This Week at The Koi

This week is debut week at the Bamboo Koi with no less than 6 new and established artists performing for you

Tuesday 14th April

12 noon  Dan - from gospel to bluegrass, rock and pop

Wednesday 15th April

12 noon  Frederique Innovia - French singer Fred makes her debut at the Koi

1:30pm Open mic Challenge (pick up song list details outside the theatre)

Thursday 16th April

11am Nino D'amore

2pm Voices of Spring (Ballet production, Debut by Anna)

3pm Yslea (Debut at the Koi for Yslea who is a Portuguese Fado singer with the voice of an angel)

Friday 17th April
11am - 1pm DJ Uzo

2pm Realsom on his piano

3pm Hogman

Saturday 18th April

12 noon  Frederique Innovia

1pm Koke (New to the Bamboo Koi is Koke, a Spamish gentleman with beautiful voice, You do not need to understand Spanish to be totally entertained by Koke)

2pm Realsom

3pm Parmellio

4pm Rham

See the Theatre calendar of events for future schedules

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