Saturday 18 April 2015

Today @ The Koi Saturday 18th April

12 noon - Frederique LIVE @ The Bamboo Koi Bistro

French singer Frederique Innovia came to SL to relax and decided to go on stage
Fred sings mainly in her native language with a growing English song list
Come and join her for an hour

Chanteuse française Frédérique Innovia est venue sur  SL pour se détendre et a décidé de faire de

la scène
Fred chante principalement dans sa langue maternelle avec une liste de chansons anglaises

Venez vous joindre à elle pour une heure

1pm slt - Koke13

Heheh I found my second life Antonio Banderas. Ladies, you DO NOT want to miss this one so make sure that you are online and at the Koi for 1pm slt
Spanish singer Koke sings various genres of music mainly in his native language. Koke has been

entertaining in SL for 3 years so knows how to deliver a powerful show.
Come on over & listen to this dynamic songster

Koke abarca muchos géneros , su repertorio es intenso, interpreta  principalmente en español e

italiano . Tiene una voz que te  envuelve y te transporta , pero también puede poner en evidencia

su lado salvaje. Koke es uno de los Cantantes mas aclamados en SL desde 2012 y sabe exactamente lo

que quiere su público

3pm slt - Parnellio LIVE @ The Koi

Mostly his own compositions with a few popular tunes thrown in for good measure.
Pamello entertains in his own special way and the chat between songs make you feel like you are

sat in the studio alongside as a friend.
I can't tell you what he will play because he doesnt know himself until he starts playing. All I

can promise is A singer songwriter, A guitar and a Harmonica

4pm slt - Ron Hamilton (Rham) LIVE @ The Koi

Singing and strumming his guitar live from Indiana. Rham's musical influences are Cat Stevens,

James Taylor, Neil Young and many others
Rham is fairly new to the Sl live music stream but already has a few venues under his belt.
Bringing his heroes to life at 4pm slt

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